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"We The People" or... "Me The Person" I have been through a little bit of life and I believe I finally understand.
this world will not change in one huge jump... there is no rubber band snap that is going to fix us.
there is only Me and You and this world needs to be changed one person at a time.
yes... not everything will change nor do I want anything to change for anyone that doesnt want it. If you are not interested in changing... them please, carry on and I wish you all of the happiness!

Btw, if you are an extra sensitive politically correct person... I want to warn you that you need a translator for anything I say now or in the future, to me... it just isnt up for debate.
I pretty much say what I mean and dont want to deal with nonsense about how it makes you feel... if you dont understand and it doesnt take up to much of my time... then Ask Me!

Dont Worry, Be Happy

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