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"Coordinate Your Life" code that runs over the internet... how basic and secure can it be? AI Again?
(can you imagine giving everyone an AI coordinator!   lol isnt this google again? IS Google Evil!? take it to amazon?)

Open source that would allow people to create and edit/coordinate everything in their life... with the ability to share anything that you want to add. an open source
there are lots of things that have to be worked through here... I do have the ideas to make this even more!  combining services like wiki/utube/facebook, news feeds/skype/google again?
I hope I am not getting in any trouble for even mentioning the big corporations here... It is important to me that people understand what I am talking about... as it is So important... if not to you... to me!
I believe in these united states still! I also believe in HumanKind!

If the future is important to you...

Dont Worry, Be Happy

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